Thursday, July 23, 2009

Brainstorming Ideas--food

The main cook in my family is definately my mom. She cooks most of the time, but not all the time. When my mom isn't the one doing the cooking my dad takes over. When my dad has to cook he will usually just prepare something simple and easy to make. He won't make the most extravagent thing but it usually tastes OK. Sometime I do get a little scared though when I hear he is going to cook dinner. He's pretty good at making some grilled cheese, so if i smell that i know it's going to alright. My dad doesn't have any specialty dishes. he will usually just make some tacos or something simple like that. My mom however, has a few specialty dishes. She makes sausgae and egg casserole, green bean casserole, enchilladas, and something she calls Hotsy Totsy. I like all of those dishes except for her green bean casserole. i have never really liked it, even she makes it for almost every family get together. My favorite dish is definately Hotsy Totsy, with enchilladas coming in a close second.
There are certain dishes that are kind of a tradition for certain occasions. My mom always makes green bean casserole for almost every occasion. She loves it. Whether it's just a get together with friends or a family reunion, she always brings that dish. On Christmas we always have sausage and egg casserole for breakfast that my mom prepares the night before. Then for kind of a lunch and dinner time mix at around 3 or 4ish we have a big ham. Most of my family memeber that liove in town all come over to my house and all have a good time. Every Thanksgiving my family and other relatives go down to my grandparents house. It's about a 2 hour drive from my house and we usually arrive around 11 or 12. As soon as we open the door to enter you can smell everything that is cooking in the kitchen and you know you're in the right place. My grandma always makes delicious trukey while my other aunts help prepare mashed potatoes and corn and all the other foods people enjoy on thanksgiving. Usually at family reunions everyone brings some kind of dish. My mom of course brings green bean casserole (I'm sure you could have guessed that by now), but my aunt always brings an amazing chip dip. It's something i've never seen around at a store or anywhere else. I thinks it's just some random thing she has thrown together. However it's made though doesn't matter to me as long as it continues to be delicious.
Having the traditional foods at get togethers and holidays is important because if my mom didn't make her usual sausage and egg casserole for breakfast on christmas morning, then the day just wouldn't seem to have started right. As well as having our ham for dinner, the whole Christmas experience just wouldn't feel the same. I think having the same dishes gives you something special to look forward to on every occasion, and makes those occasions seem that much more special when you get to eat the dishes that you have been craving for since last thanksgiving ended. The special dishes signifies the importance and the happiness that comes with having people get together and just have a good time and enjoy each others company.

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