Thursday, August 20, 2009

Another Possible Source

Marc Parry. "Online Educators Won't Be Forced to Spy on Students, New Rules Say. " The Chronicle of Higher Education 12 Jun 2009: Research Library Core, ProQuest. Web. 20 Aug. 2009. The recently reauthorized Higher Education Opportunity Act requires accreditors to monitor steps colleges take to verify that an enrolled student is the same person who does the course work. Language in the law made some distance educators worry that they would need expensive technology to ensure that other people don't take students' tests. Educators feared the cost could endanger programs. But proposed federal regulations about fulfilling the law, worked out this May, would allow colleges to satisfy the mandate with techniques like secure log-ins and passwords or proctored examinations, according to people involved in the negotiations. Has good background information on the new Higher Education Opportunity Act.

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