Thursday, August 6, 2009

Twelve things you won't know about downloading music

1. Fact or detail: Under federal law, recording companies are entitled to $750 to $30,000 per infringement if you are found guilty of illegally downloading and sharing music. But the law allows as much as $150,000 per track if the jury finds the infringements were willful.

Source information: AOL News

2. Fact or detail: On July 31, 2009, a jury found a Boston University student guilty of illegally downloading and sharing music and was ordered to pay $675,000 to four record labels.

Source information: AOL News

3. Fact or detail: On June 18, 2009 a minnesota woman was found guilty of illegally sharing online music and ordered to pay $1.92 million to the recording industry.

Source information: USA Today

4. Fact or detail: The US recording idustry is represented by the RIAA (Recording Idustry Association of America). It's mission is to foster a business and legal climate that supports and promotes it's members' creative and financial vitality.

Source information: RIAA

5. Fact or detail: One of the major file sharing firm was paid $100 million in 2006 to settle a copyright lawsuit.

Source information: USA Today

6. Fact or detail: In 2003, the recording indiustry filed 261 lawsuit in it's first series of suits against people who have illegally downloaded over 1,000 songs

Source information: Encyclopedia

7. Fact or detail: As of 2004, more than 400 people had settled fines averaging $3,000.

Source information: CMTA

8. Fact or detail: Repeat offenders can be imprisoned for up to 10 years

Source information: CMTA

9. Fact or detail: 33% of all music sold in 2008 was digital.

Source information: IT Facts

10. Fact or detail: total album sales in 2008 fell 14%, following a 15% drop in 2007.

Source information: IT Facts

11. Fact or detail: Sales of CD's have decreased since people began burning CD's. A loss of between $700 million and $1.5 billion worth is the latest estimate mostly lost by US owned companies.

Source information: Silver Dragon Records

12. Fact or detail: The IFPI says that 95% of music downloads in 2008 were illegal. Approximately 40 billion songs were illegally downloaded last year alone. An average of 30 songs per internet user worldwide. Compared to 1.4 billion songs legally downloaded. 9.1 million of which were Lil Wayne's song Lollipop. By far the most legally downloaded song in the world.

Source information: BBC News

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