Monday, August 3, 2009

Modes/topic sentence/paragraph development

1. Description: As soon as I opened the door to the apartment, I knew that my roommate had played party host all weekend long. All of the pillows from the couch were sprawled across the floor. Blankets everywhere. The trash cans overflowing with empty beer cans and red plastic cups that smelled oh so pleasant. The cd in the cd player stuck on repeat playing the same song over and over. Finally i walk into my room to get away fromt he mess, just to find some random person passed out on my bed. I need a new roommate.

2. Illustration: There are many ways that the university bookstore takes advantage of students. From the small items such as pens and pencils, to middle ones like t-shirts and lanyards. The bookstore loves to manipulate prices to their liking. They're favorite item for pricing differences is of course textbooks. When you first buy the book at the beginning of the semester it cost a whopping $135. Then at the end of the year you go back to the bookstore to sell your book back and all they offer youo is a mere $60. At the start of the next semester you see your book from last year that you sold back for $60 priced at a lovely $110. What a great feeling.

3. Narration: I woke up with a pounding headache, not looking forward to the 10 hour work day that was ahead. I get out of bed and get ready to go in. As soon as I open the door to go outside, the heat from the sweltering day rushes into the house. The day continues working hard out it the boiling sun all day with no break in the heat. The day eventually comes to an end and I head home. When it was all said and done, I was just glad to call it a day.

4. Description: When I first met Fern, I knew immediately that she was a smoker. I'm sittuing in my chair waiting for clash to start. The door opens and a rush of cigarette smoke billows into the room. I could she smell it from the complete opposite side of the room. I saw a small hole on the leg of her jeans, sure to be a burn hole from the ash of the cigarrette she had just puffed down before class started. Throughout the duration of the class the smell lingered on and on. I couldn't wait for the clock to signal the end of class, so that i could make my escape.

5. Process: My roommate has a very peculiar morning ritual. First, when he wakes up, he heads straight to the bathroom. The he comes out and turns the tv on but doesn't even watch it. he sits in the kitchen and eats a bowl of cereal. Then he heads back to the bathoom to brush his teeth and take a shower. After the shower is over, he gets dressed, grabs his keys, puts his shoes on, then turns off the tv and heads out the door. For some reason the tv has to be on else he can't seem to get ready in the morning.

6. Cause/Effect: Attending USI has changed my life in many ways. I never minded driving anywhere in my life, until i came to USI. parking is awful. You drive around in circles for what seems like an eternity just to find a spot. Then the construction. It's everywhere. You just want to get out of the place, but it seems like an entire day passes before you escape with your vehichle. I found i don't like to spend as much time in my car anymore after the extended period of time I am in it just at school.

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